Why are Carports Better Than Covers for RVs?

Why are Carports Better Than Covers for RVs?
Published On: December 19th, 2021Categories: Carport, DIY steel buildings, Storage Buildings
Why are Carports Better Than Covers for RVs?
Why are Carports Better Than Covers for RVs?

Metal Carports Better than Covers for Your RV

Owning an RV is a great way to explore the country, whether you’re travelling on the road or camping in some of the nation’s most beautiful parks.

However, if you own an RV, you want to ensure that it’s properly stored and protected when not in use. Your RV is an investment, so whether it’s for a few days or the entire off-season, you’ll want to keep it safe so that it retains its value.

When deciding how to protect their RV, many owners opt for an RV cover. However, the best protection comes from metal carports.

The following is a comparison between RV covers and carports to help you choose the best option for you:

Carports vs. Fabric Covers – Which One Should You Use?

The following are important factors to consider when deciding between building RV metal carports over simply covering your vehicle with a fabric RV cover:


A fabric RV cover can only be used for one thing: to cover an RV. It’s just too big to make sense for any other type of vehicle, thereby limiting its use.

However, metal carports can be used to protect any vehicle that’s the size of your RV or smaller. It can even be used as additional outdoor storage space or a workshop.


A fabric cover will not withstand the elements for very long and will need to be replaced after a few years. On the other hand, metal carports will withstand everything from heavy snowfall and rain to strong winds and hail.


There’s no customizing a fabric cover. You’ll just have to buy one large enough to cover your RV. However, there are many customization options for RV metal carports.

You’ll be able to customize the length, height, and width, meaning that you can make sure your carport will fit in the available space you have or design it to accommodate additional vehicles as well.


There’s no question – when it comes to protecting your RV, metal carports win hands down. A cover won’t protect against hail and snow and is often not as waterproof as advertised. Metal carport kits also offer protection from sunlight, plant and animal debris, and more.

Additionally, the cover will be draped over the RV, meaning it will be in direct contact with the paint and finish. Any time the fabric moves, such as during a windstorm or when removing it, there’s a good chance it will scratch your paint. Carports will have none of these issues.

Easy Access

With metal carports, you’ll be able to drive your RV in and out with ease. Such easy access is not available if you use a cover. If your RV is underneath a fabric cover and you want to use it, expect to spend some time trying to remove it.

RV covers are big, bulky, and heavy. You’ll likely need the help of another person to remove it.


The initial cost of metal carports will be higher when compared to a simple cover. However, your carport will last a long time, whereas you’ll need to replace your cover after a few years.

As such, carports will be more cost-effective and will save you money in the long run.


You’re not going to get much of a warranty on an RV cover, as they are a short-term solution. Each steel building produced by Future Buildings is made from GalvalumeTM Plus Steel, so are built to last with a 50-year Rust Perforation Warranty.

Cons of Using an RV Cover

On the surface, it might seem like RV covers have a few advantages. They’re easy to use, and they’re cheap. However, there are some real disadvantages to keep in mind as well, including the following:

  • No RV cover is completely waterproof.
  • RV covers are cumbersome, which means covering and uncovering your RV will require more than one person.
  • Trying to cover your RV can be dangerous since you’ll need to use a ladder to do so.
  • Most RV covers will only last a few years.
  • A lack of ventilation can result in mold issues.
  • RV covers won’t protect your vehicle from hail damage.
  • Because RV covers make direct contact with your vehicle, they may scratch your paint.

Carports are the Ideal Choice for RVs

You’re much better off investing in a metal carport kit than buying a fabric RV cover. Even though a cover is less expensive initially, it’s not nearly as cost-effective as building a carport since you will have to repurchase new covers every few years.

Carports offers more protection, both in the short-term and the long-term, and can even add value to your property.

The Advantages of Metal Carport Kits

Advantages of Future Buildings Metal Carports

At Future Buildings, we offer high-quality metal carport kits that are perfect for keeping your RV protected. Our kits come prefabricated and are custom-built to suit your needs, ensuring that your carport will provide the space required to store your RV and protect it properly.

We use Galvalume Plus™ steel, which lasts up to six times as long as other structures, is incredibly rust-resistant, will withstand the harshest elements, is fire resistant, and is easy to assemble.

All our steel is purchased directly from ArcelorMittal Dofasco to ensure consistency of quality grade steel and optimal pricing. Learn more about GalvalumeTM Plus Steel from their website here.

Get the Best Carport Kits for Your RV

No matter how big your RV is or how much space is available on your property, we can help you customize a metal carport kit that meets your specific needs. For more information about our metal carport kits, be sure to request a free quote or call us directly at 1-800-668-5111.

Future Buildings offers a variety of steel building kit options for different needs and uses. A carport is just one of our innovative styles to choose from:

Steel Building Styles

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    I’m interested in buying a carport what the cost of this

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    We own a Class B rv that is 22 feet long by 10 feet high by 6 feet wide. However we would need about 10 feet for the sides and a foot or 2 larger to accommodate the height and length. Or whatever you would recommend. I like the posts and roof on your picture as they look sturdy. Are there any sales on right now?

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    I am looking to cover a 21.5 foot travel trailer. 26′ all up. Do you have a solution? Thanks

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