Remember you can always make some bragging bucks in our Referral Reward Program.
Our Do-It-Yourself steel garage kits are ideal for any homeowner who’s looking for space and protection for their valuables. As a manufacturer of steel garages, we customize each of our products to match the required size from 10 to 40+ feet wide. We are also able to provide metal garage kits and factory direct pricing for our products to help save you money.

Send a Friend
We know that the best advertising for any company is the satisfaction of our customers with their new steel buildings. We want to always reward our customers when they have the confidence in us to then send us new customers. Our Referral Reward Program was designed to do just that.
“Send a Friend” to the building specialist that helped you and if your friend also buys a Future Buildings steel building – once it is delivered to them, we will send you $250.00 for making that connection!
Send More Friends!
There is no limit to how many “Friends” you can send. The more the merrier. Each referral that has a new steel building delivered to them means another check is issued to you. Check with your family, your neighbors, even your co-workers to see if they are looking to create new space. It could mean a nice little reward for you!
Please fill out the form below with the names of up to 3 of your “Friends” or potential customers and we will happily contact them to discuss their project!