Why We Recommend Our Pre-Measured, Pre-Cut Steel Building Insulation Kits
Confusion about metal building insulation is common. If you are thinking about insulating your new steel building or contemplating whether you need to include a vapor barrier, you probably should. However, while metal building insulation is great to have, especially if you plan to install commercial steel buildings, you don’t always need it. Three things determine whether you should insulate your steel buildings.
Be sure to research how to install your insulation, as when properly installed, insulation is up to 40% more efficient. Our custom, pre-cut cap and pin insulation system is simple to install, works to control condensation, is durable, and attaches simply with stick pins and washers.
Whether you end up picking the white-facing vapor-lock composite polypropylene or the reflective lightweight foil facing vapor retarder, make sure it is the best choice for your needs.
What Does A Vapor Barrier Do?
Water vapor may accumulate and penetrate your walls and ceiling cavities through vapor diffusion. When cold air meets warm air, it condenses and returns to its liquid state, which can compromise your steel structure. A vapor barrier, also known as vapor retarder, reduces the amount of water vapor that enters the steel building.
When properly installed, insulation is proven to be up to 40% more energy efficient. Our custom, pre-cut cap and pin insulation system is simple to install, works to control condensation, is durable and attaches simply with stick pins that pop-in to caps. Future Buildings will pre-measure and cut it to custom fit your building exactly.
Credit – Alberta Adventurer Family – Watch how one of our customers in Alberta, Canada uses our pin and cap insulation kits to finish their steel building. They have captured not only how efficient the insulation installation is but also how they complete their custom ends to really finish off the inside of their comfy Winnebago garage. A great video to watch to visualize how this is done! Thank you to the Alberta Adventurer Family for sharing.
Is Building Condensation A Serious Problem?
Left unchecked, condensation and moisture in walls and ceilings can be very destructive. Some of the adverse effects include:
Ensure Proper Installation
Poor installation can allow gaps, tears, sloppy seams, and slits in the barrier material, causing humid air to slip through the barrier. A vapor retarder installed incorrectly cannot fulfill its mission and reduce the barrier’s effectiveness by close to half. It is, therefore, crucial to choose sturdy, durable, effective vapor retarders, especially if you live in a hot or extremely humid area. The material should also be easy to handle.
Additional Benefits of Steel Building Insulation

Lower Energy Bills
Insulation keeps your Steel Building warmer in the winter, which lowers your heating costs. In the summer, insulation keeps your steel building cooler, which eases the load on your air conditioner.
Quieter, More Comfortable Environment to Work
Insulation can actually absorb sound, reducing the unwanted noise from appliances, audio equipment and power tool sounds that are transmitted through your walls and floors.
Easy to Install
Unique pin & cap technology allows quick & easy installation
Contact Us to Insulate Your Steel Building
Vapor retarders, barriers and insulation can significantly reduce your humidity and condensation problems during extreme climates. However, be sure to install high-quality functional insulation that suits your unique needs. When properly installed, insulation that features breathable vapor retarders can lower your energy bills and also guarantee comfort and durability. You can contact Future Buildings today for more information about steel building insulation kits.