How to Choose the Perfect Metal Carport Building

How to Choose the Perfect Metal Carport Building
Published On: July 10th, 2021Categories: Carport, DIY steel buildings, Storage Buildings

If you are searching for a metal or steel structure to protect your automobiles, carports are a great option. Whatever you plan to do with your prefabricated carport, the most crucial decision you may make during the purchasing process is the size.

How to Choose the Perfect Metal Carport Building

Continue reading to learn more about how you can select the right size of metal carport for your requirements. If you are still unsure, the team at Future Buildings can help you make the choice easier. We can work with you to determine the best size for your structure and ensure it meets your specific needs.

Selecting the Perfect Width When Building a Metal Carport


When constructing a metal carport, the first decision you must make is how the carport will be used. A carport is typically used for parking a vehicle underneath it, although this is not the case for everyone. It is used as a patio by some or even as a shelter for pools. Regardless of why you’re building a carport, you will want to make sure the size is appropriate for the job.

Width and Length

Carport sizes can be classified as single, double, or triple carports, depending on the width. A single-car carport is designed to hold one vehicle, a double carport holds two vehicles, and triple carports hold three vehicles. Regardless of the width, you can order them to be any length you need. This means you can easily turn your single carport into a two-car option by doubling the length if you do not have the available space to add more width. You can also adjust the length to accommodate different-sized vehicles, such as transport trucks, boats, and more.

While these sizes are often considered standard and provide a good baseline for estimating size, your carport can be customized to the exact measurements that best suits your needs.

Single Car

These are typically 12 feet wide and fit most single vehicles perfectly, leaving enough room on either side to easily move around, open doors, and take things out of the car while still being covered by the carport. They are not ideal for vehicles like RVs, motorhomes, or trailers, as it may be challenging to get a larger vehicle into the narrow opening.

Double Car

The width of a double carport can range from 18 to 24 feet. If you plan to park two standard-size automobiles or a large recreational vehicle, selecting the 24-foot width is recommended. An 18-foot-wide carport is better for two compact cars or one standard vehicle and something smaller such as an ATV, motorcycle, or motorboat. To figure out how much room you will need, measure both vehicles and consider the amount of space you need to get in and out on all sides.

Triple Car

Triple carports are typically 26 to 30 feet wide, with enough space to store three vehicles. A three-car carport also provides space for two vehicles and additional items such as tractors, boats, and more.

Regular Roof

One of the benefits of a carport is the ability to offer protection. If you want to cover a pool, children’s play area, a patio set, barbecue, or any other outdoor location, a carport can serve as an excellent shelter.

Deciding Between Metal Carport Sizes

Type of Vehicle

A typical automobile or a compact truck can fit comfortably in a one-car carport. If you still feel that you may not have enough room to maneuver, you may want to purchase a bigger carport. If you have larger vehicles such as a trailer, an RV, or a heavy-duty truck, you should consider a double or triple carport.

Number of Vehicles

The number of automobiles you plan to fit within the carport is another factor that influences the size of your carport. Multiple vehicles mean you will need a larger carport. The distance between the vehicles is important as well. There needs to be adequate space between the vehicles for each car’s doors to open freely without hitting the other car.

Height of Your Vehicle

The height of your vehicle is an essential measurement to keep in mind when purchasing your carport. This guarantees that your vehicle has enough clearance. Most carports have a typical height measurement of 12 feet, and standard automobiles fit comfortably. If you have a tall vehicle, such as an RV or a truck, or have a roof rack on your car, you might want to consider making your metal carport taller.

Intended Use

What you intend to do with your steel carport will also influence its size. If you are going to be storing multiple types of vehicles, specialty equipment, or need to keep many vehicles in one location, our team can help you select the custom carport that is best suited for your needs.

How to Get Your Carport

It may first help to browse our site for information about our carport kits. From here, you can get an understanding of what we offer, view some images of carports taken by our customers, and learn more about our product.

Once you have decided to place your order with us, reach out to us by phone or through our contact form. One of our building specialists will be able to help you plan your structure, determine the appropriate size, and place your order.

When your carport is ready, we will deliver everything to your location, including pre-cut and pre-drilled pieces, all of the necessary nuts and bolts, and complete installation instructions. Our prefabricated carport kits make our structures incredibly quick and simple to erect, but we don’t compromise on quality. All our structures are made of premium-grade Galvalume Plus™ steel, making them incredibly sturdy and long-lasting.

The Top Benefits of Carports


One of the nicest things you can do for your car is to park it beneath a carport. This will shield your automobile from the effects of bad weather such as sun exposure, ice, snow, and heavy rain.


Carports can be used for a lot more than just storing cars. They can also protect motorbikes, trucks, RVs, other vehicles, and outdoor areas.


Steel is the strongest material on the planet. Our metal carports are built to resist even the harshest weather and are fire-proof, resistant to mold, rot, or pests, and will not corrode.

Design Your Carport with Us

The Ultimate Carport outperforms other vehicle protection options and can be utilized in both small and large settings. It is appropriate for all markets, including industrial, commercial, and residential usage.

Our Steel Carport Kits Are Available Throughout the United States:

Each of our carport kits is designed to suit the location where they’re sold. They are available in nearly every US state, including:

Why Choose Future Buildings

Here at Future Buildings, we offer a wide range of steel building kits. We work closely with every customer to ensure that the steel building kit will suit their unique needs.

Steel Building Styles

If a straight wall style is your preference, you can also visit our sister company, Toro Steel Buildings.

Additionally, each steel building produced by Future Buildings is made from GalvalumeTM Plus Steel and come with a 50-year rust perforation warranty.

All our steel is purchased directly from ArcelorMittal Dofasco to ensure consistency of quality grade steel and optimal pricing. Learn more about GalvalumeTM Plus Steel from their website here.

For more information, contact us at 1-800-668-5111, or request a free quote by filling out our online form.

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  1. Cardinal Carports February 7, 2022 at 2:18 am

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  2. Grizzly Steel Structures August 20, 2022 at 5:46 am

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  3. Ron Everson June 24, 2023 at 3:42 pm

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