Why is Galvalume Steel the Best Choice for Your Steel Building?

Combo garage kit
Published On: December 22nd, 2015Categories: Commercial Buildings, Metal Building Kits, Steel Buildings

Galvalume steel is often so-called as a generic term referring to a metal product that consists of steel coil coated with a metal alloy made up of 45% zinc and 55% aluminum. It resembles galvanized steel except for the visible crystals that are smaller and closer together that give Galvalume a smoother appearance. There is a variation of it known as Galvalume Plus. It is only different in that it has a thin, clear coating of acrylic. This variety can be roll-formed while dry without the need to apply varnishing oil. It is easy to form and install.

The Galvalume Advantage

Why is Galvalume Steel the Best Choice for Your Steel Building?

The zinc and aluminum in this type of steel makes the most of the negative and positive aluminum effects. It enhances resistance to corrosion and to heat to the levels that aluminized material has. It also enhances the forming and protective ability of steel. Galvalume and Galvalume Plus are highly resistant to rust, weather elements and fire and they also provide a very strong protective covering. Compared to galvanized steel, Galvalume is more resistant to corrosion. Both are available with coating or bare.

It is the coated type that is  most commonly used but the bare type also holds up to the elements very well. The coating is however a very important factor because it determines the conditions and warranty given for warranties.

Galvalume Steel Structures

Why is Galvalume Steel the Best Choice for Your Steel Building?

In addition to the above advantages, Galvalume has high heat reflectivity which makes buildings very energy-efficient and makes them more comfortable. The Plus version is being used more and more for steel structures like steel carports and garages, workshops, storage kits and garden sheds. It is also being used for commercial steel buildings like airplane hangars, farm buildings, warehouses and others.

Take Your Steel Building into the Future

Why is Galvalume Steel the Best Choice for Your Steel Building?

The quality of your steel building depends on the quality of the steel used. Future Building ensures that yours will be serving you well into the future by using nothing but the Galvalume Plus™ that is thermally coated with an alloy that provides high resistance to corrosion.

All our buildings are manufactured out of Galvalume Plus™ Steel, one of the most durable, corrosion-resistant metals available. In fact, we even offer a 50-year warranty on all of our metal buildings against rust perforation. All our steel is purchased directly from ArcelorMittal Dofasco to ensure consistency of quality grade steel and optimal pricing. Read more about Galvalume Plus™ Steel at their website here.

Steel structures made with this material are three to six times thicker than standard steel buildings and are 7 more times rust resistant than galvanized steel.

We offer a wide variety of prefab metal buildings that can be used for residential and commercial purposes. Our prefab steel buildings are designed to the specifications of each customer and can be customized with a variety of upgrades.

You can check out all our building styles below.

Steel Building Styles

To request a free quote, contact us today by filling out an online form or calling us directly at 1-800-668-5111.

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