The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Steel Buildings

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Steel Buildings

Steel buildings answer an effectively limitless array of demands, and they’re as easy to understand as concepts as they are to use after delivery. Check out this beginner’s guide to the options available.

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Steel Buildings

Steel Garages

Sized from ten to 40-plus feet wide, every unit is covered by our brand-universal 50-year rust perforation warranty. Also in common with all Future Buildings projects, our steel garages come with engineer-certified plans, and depending on your municipality’s Code may not need any sort of planning permission. Steel buildings provide storage space and protection for vehicles, obviously enough, but the use they’re put to is effectively indeterminable from the exterior. A personnel door incorporated into the design, along with traditional vehicle access, opens up a world of possibilities.

Steel Workshop Buildings

Ideal for any business owner, or home-based mechanic, woodworker or DIY enthusiast, our steel buildings can be custom designed from ten to 100′ feet wide. Available with separate entrances to office or reception space, with multiple doors, even with windows and a variety of access way dimensions, these structures are perfect for new-start-ups or established businesses wishing to improve their premises.

Steel Storage Buildings

These steel buildings, available in widths from ten to 40-plus feet, are infinitely customizable according to your requirements. Single doors, double doors, personnel doors, even front and rear doors (to any size) that allow direct passage in one end, then out the other. Available with domed or chalet-style, single-radius clear span roofs, these are compact yet flexible storage solutions.

Steel Carports And Shelters

Open-ended and open-sided shelters are the ideal answer to car storage problems in urban environments, where space may be at a premium, or where complex planning wrangles may be expected for fully-enclosed structures. In many trailer parks, for example, Code forbids permanent structures, but typically considers open-sided steel buildings to be temporary, even when sited on poured concrete pads. Available in an effectively limitless choice of widths, lengths and heights, you can protect anything from a single car, through two trucks or a trailered boat, to A-Class motorcoaches. Excellent heat reflectivity protects whatever you store from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Steel Truck And Heavy Equipment Buildings

When your truck or heavy equipment is your livelihood, you want it protected when it’s parked. Shelter isn’t enough; you need security, too, with the convenience of easy access and no storage fees. With widths available between 16 and 100 feet – all with 100-percent usable, uninterrupted interior space – and unlimited lengths, these steel buildings easily accommodate multiple tractor/trailer units, or all the heavy equipment used on a typical ranch or farm, or in mining and hauling operations. With proper planning, there should be plenty of space left over for maintenance and repairs.

Steel Quonset Barns

Offered as barns in trussless, arched format, these steel buildings will keep livestock warm and dry through the worst weather. Agricultural storage buildings can be sized to accommodate a few bales of hay, or the combines and tractors that harvest them. We also produce stables, maintenance sheds and livestock shelters to address any farm and field demand.

The Future Buildings Promise

All our steel buildings are automatically backed by our industry-unique 50-year rust perforation warranty, they’re fire resistant and manufactured to withstand the highest winds and cruelest storms. Our steel buildings are designed for ease of assembly, so DIY enthusiasts of virtually any skill level can tackle the project.

Each Future Building is delivered with Certified Engineered Drawings that have been specifically designed for your location, guaranteed to satisfy local regulations. To learn more, use our Contact Us facility, fill out our online form to get a quote, or call 1-800-668-5111.

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