Metal Garage Kits and Prebuilt Garages: Which is Better?

Metal Garage Kits and Prebuilt Garages: Which is Better? Steel Buildings
Published On: February 17th, 2021Categories: Garage Kits, Metal Building Kits, Steel Buildings
Metal Garage Kits and Prebuilt Garages: Which is Better?
Metal Garage Kits and Prebuilt Garages: Which is Better?

Garages are a perfect choice for those who want to add storage space to their homes. They are also an excellent option for keeping cars or other vehicles safe from harsh elements. If your home did not have a garage when you purchased it, you might be curious about whether buying a garage kit or opting for a prebuilt garage is the best choice for you. Read on to understand what each option has to offer so you can select the best one for your home and your needs.

Garage Kits vs. Prebuilt Garages

When you are deciding between these two options, be sure to keep the following in mind:


Prebuilt garage buildings provide a clear span interior, so you can store things without having to consider support beams.

Garage kits also provide clear span interiors. However, a kit is often customized to suit your needs, making it much more versatile than a prebuild. They also may be able to support a wider or taller opening than prebuilt garages, allowing you to fit more inside.


A prebuilt garage is assembled offsite and shipped to your location fully built. Occasionally, the company may come to your site and build it over several weeks.

With a garage kit, you receive the parts required with everything cut to size and ready for assembly. Even if you are not a do-it-yourself enthusiast, garage kits are easy to erect with the help of a few friends. Each arch is assembled on the ground first. It is then raised and connected to the previous arches until the structure is completed.


Pricing for each option depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • The cost of materials
  • The size of the garage
  • What you plan to use it for
  • What the climate is like in your area
  • Customizations and accessories

For a prebuilt, you are also paying for the cost of labour and assembly by the company. Always be sure to check that any company you buy a prebuild or garage kit from will design it in compliance with building codes in your area. You don’t want to spend the money on a structure and then find out it needs to be removed for violations.

Metal garage kits tend to be less expensive than prebuilt garages, as you are only paying for materials. Additionally, the steel used in the kit is more durable than traditional materials, meaning less money spent on maintenance and repairs.

Strength & Durability

A prebuilt garage building is only as h3 as the material it is built from. This may make it more vulnerable to things like fire, h3 winds, and heavy snow. It may also experience problems such as mold or warping.

Steel garage kits are resistant to fire and built for the local snow, wind, and seismic loads. They are also impervious to rot and mold and offer unmatched protection against pests. A garage kit from a reliable manufacturer can last for decades without damage or losing its value.

Other Uses of Metal Garage Kits

A metal garage kit can provide sufficient room to design and create your dream space. Besides using it to store vehicles or things that would not otherwise fit in your house, you can use your steel garage building for the following:

  • A workshop
  • Your dream retreat
  • A home theatre
  • A space for hobbies
  • A guest apartment
  • Your home gym
  • A home office

If you plan on being in the garage often, consider installing proper insulation to ensure it is comfortable throughout the year. With a reliable metal garage kit, you can create a space that you and your family will love.

Is A DIY Garage Kit the Right Choice?

DIY projects allow you to have full control over their project. By working with a company to design the garage that best suits you, you can have the freedom to work on the project at your leisure and the pride of a job well done once it’s finished.

Choosing to DIY your garage kit is also a good way to get your family, neighbours or friends involved in the process. They can help you with assembly and direction and then join you for the celebration once you’re done. This will get your structure built much quicker and easier than if you were to try and do it alone.

If you are thinking about a DIY metal garage kit, consider whether you have the time required to undertake the project. If so, you stand to gain the benefits of hard work and self-accomplishment.

  • A workshop
  • Your dream retreat
  • A home theatre
  • A space for hobbies
  • A guest apartment
  • Your home gym
  • A home office

If you plan on being in the garage often, consider installing proper insulation to ensure it is comfortable throughout the year. With a reliable metal garage kit, you can create a space that you and your family will love.

Future Buildings Offers High-Grade Garage Kits for Sale

We offer durable and reliable steel garage kits to people around the world who want to build their garage. By ordering with us, you will receive:

  • A custom structure that is designed to meet the codes and requirements of your area
  • Completely usable interior space
  • A 50-year rust perforation warranty

  • Costs built for your unique requirements. We only charge for what you need

Our garage kits offer incredible security and are incredibly easy to expand should the need arise. You can add a nearly unlimited number of arches to your structure, making it easy to accommodate any changes.

Reach out to the Future Buildings team by filling out our online quote request or calling 1-800-668-5111 today.

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