How to Personalize Your Steel Garage Kits

metal buildings in Arizona

The best thing about steel garage kits is that they can easily be customized with exactly what you need. Whether you are looking to change the appearance or need something more functional, there are many ways to customize your building, both inside and out.

steel garage kits

Add some colour

Appearance can be important. You might want your new building to fit in with other buildings on the property or in the surrounding area. Or maybe you want it to look a little more unique. Colour can be the right solution for either of these situations. You can customize steel garage kits with coloured end panels and coloured trim to fit in or stand out…whichever you prefer! We offer the most popular colours, pre-painted from the factory which means less work for you. But if your situation requires more customization, don’t worry! The finish on our steel buildings is easy to paint if you would prefer a DIY option.


skylight can be a beautiful and functional addition to your building, especially if any of the interior will be a finished room. Customizing steel garage kits with a skylight can add some natural light inside the building. That means less need for inside wiring and less energy being used for lighting. It also adds architectural interest. Coloured skylights can be used to help control the amount and type of light coming in, change the look and feel of the inside area, and offer a little protection for anything that can be damaged by direct sunlight. Our skylights are custom sized which means you get what’s right for your building.

Insulation and turbine vents

This can be important even if you’re only using your building for storage. Depending on what you’re storing, having more control over temperature and moisture changes might be necessary. Customizing your steel garage kits with insulation and a turbine vent can help with these issues.

Insulation can also help reduce noise. If you’ll be making lots of noise inside, or are trying to keep outside noises from coming in, insulation can make a big difference. Future Buildings offers polypropylene and foil faced insulation in R13 and R20 values to use with your steel garage kits.

Shelving and storage

Depending on how you plan to use your building, you can customize the inside of your steel garage kits with shelves, cabinets, or free standing storage units. It is necessary to account for any inside storage needs when you are deciding on the size of your steel garage kits because you want to make sure there is still enough space even after installing storage. On the wall storage can either be attached to wood beams secured to the frame, or attached directly to the frame. You could also use suspended or loft type shelves, which can add lots of extra storage without sacrificing floor space.

However you plan to use your new building, customizing steel garage kits to meet your functional and aesthetic needs is easy!  Future Buildings can help kick start your business, hobby, construction project and more. Contact us today to get a free quote or submit a request online.

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One Comment

  1. Troy July 30, 2022 at 8:47 am

    Can i add Arches to extend my existing future building ?

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