Future Homes: Unusual Living Spaces

steel building style

Unusual Living Spaces

What do all homes that inspire awe and curiosity have in common? Simple: they are all examples of unusual living spaces. Think of any television specials you’ve ever seen featuring great homes, or even the types of structures that catch your eye around your neighborhood.

Are they boring, cookie-cutter, standard floor plan houses? No. Every single one of them boasts features that are unique or eccentric in some way.

Future Homes: Unusual Living Spaces

From houses buried in hills, to shapes that seem inspired by science-fiction all the way to structures made with odd materials, unusual living spaces say something about the owner and their personality. But sometimes, these types of homes provide novelty at the expense of practicality.

If you’re looking to occupy an unusual living space that doesn’t sacrifice the functionality expected of a home, why not consider using steel?

The Benefits of a Steel Building Home for Unusual Living Spaces

For most people, steel buildings don’t elicit visions of a comfortable home. But in reality, they are perfect for creating unique, unusual living spaces. The wide range of styles, customization options and convenient features they offer means that they can be tailored to meet the needs and tastes of many people.

1. Made to Order

Steel buildings are a great option for unusual living spaces because they can be custom-made based on certain specifications. Aspects like shape, size and more can be decided by the homeowner.

Future Homes: Unusual Living Spaces

2. Insulation

Contrary to popular belief, temperature control is not an issue with steel buildings – they are more than simple shells. In fact, many different insulation options are available for your unusual living space, all of which help to eliminate condensation, lower energy bills and increase sound absorption and comfort.

3. Wide range of colors

Opting for a steel building doesn’t mean that the exterior of your unusual living space has to be gray. There are a variety of colors that are available – particularly for end walls – that allow for the addition of a personal touch or coordination with existing structures.

4. Skylights and windows

With a plethora of skylight and window options, your unusual living space can be designed to allow plenty of natural light in and brighten the interior, without added energy costs.

5. Ventilation

Ventilation is a crucial component of any home, no matter how unusual or unique. From turbine vents and adapters to various types of ventilation systems, steel buildings capacitate efficient, low cost and low maintenance ventilation solutions for your home.

Read more about the available accessories here.

Highest Quality Steel Material for Unusual Living Spaces

When it comes to building unusual living spaces, you’ll want to make sure to use the highest quality material to ensure that it’s durable and long-lasting. Here at Future Buildings, we custom design our prefabricated DIY steel building kits using the highest quality steel available.

Galvalume Plus™ steel is made up of 55% aluminum and 45% zinc. It has a clear acrylic coating that protects the steel from rust and corrosion, making it ideal for storage shed material. It even comes with a 50-year warranty against rust perforation.

All our steel is purchased directly from ArcelorMittal Dofasco to ensure consistency of quality grade steel and optimal pricing. Learn more about Galvalume Plus™ steel at their website here.

When it comes down to it, using a steel building for a home is unusual, but does not sacrifice comfort or functionality in the name of novelty. Looking for your own unusual living space? Go for steel!

Future Buildings has several steel building styles to suit your needs; check them out below.

Steel Building Styles

For more information or to request a quote, contact Future Buildings today by calling 1-800-688-5111.

If a straight wall style is your preference, you can also visit our sister company, Toro Steel Buildings.

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