Steel Building Backyard Ice Rink : An Ultimate Guide with Future Buildings

Steel Building Backyard Ice Rink : An Ultimate Guide with Future Buildings
Published On: October 28th, 2013Categories: DIY steel buildings, Metal Building Kits, Quonset, Steel Buildings

Fulfill Your Hockey Dreams with a Steel Building Backyard Ice Rink

Growing up, every hockey fan dreams of having their own backyard ice rink. Some of the best to have ever played the game spent their childhood winters out on the ice: Wayne Gretzky, Neal Broten, and Sidney Crosby, to name just a few. Just as the greats did when they were young, you can have your own backyard ice rink to hone your puck handling and skating skills. Let the convenience of your own backyard skating rink help you develop your skills quickly, from a beginner to the big leagues!

covered ice rink custom steel buildings

The Advantage of Indoor Backyard Ice Rinks

However, building an outdoor rink means that you are always at the mercy of the weather. Wouldn’t it be much easier if there was a way to construct your own backyard ice rink that was indoors? With Future Buildings, there is. Here is our guide to building your very own indoor backyard ice rink.

Step 1: Choose the Perfect Future Building of Your Choice

The wide range of styles we offer allows you to opt for the structure that will best work on your property to build your indoor backyard ice rink. Different sizes and features give you the ability to customize the structure and create your very own arena. Check out our building types here.

Step 2: Select Your Preferred Style of Boards

What kind of rink would it be without boards? We recommend constructing your boards with PVC, lumber or even straw or hay bales, but many-a-rink has been built using boards made solely of snow. Use what you have!

Step 3: Gather Necessary Hardware

Grab a tarp that’s large enough to cover the area where you plan to build your rink and buy the hardware you will need to fasten the boards. Consider using scrap material you may have on hand to eliminate waste and reduce overall costs.

Step 4: Assembly and Installation: Lay Down the Lumber or PVC

Put down your boards in the desired shape/size within your Future Building. Fasten your boards and lay the tarp within, ensuring that the extra length rests on the top of your boards. Staple the tarp to your boards. Having some extra hands will make the work go faster, especially when it’s cold out!

Step 5: Ice Formation

Use a hose to fill the entire surface with water. This should be done in increments of about 2 cm at a time. Let the water freeze, then repeat the process until the ice reaches the desired thickness. Ice, Ice, Baby!

Step 6: Enjoy Your Personal Hockey Haven

Strap on the skates and play! Once the ice is thoroughly frozen and ready for action, all you have to do is pick up your stick, throw your skates on, and enjoy your own personal hockey haven, right in your own backyard. No more driving to the local arena for those early morning hockey drills.

Conclusion: Turn Your Dream into Reality

Are you ready to turn your desire for a backyard ice rink into a reality? Contact Future Buildings today to see how we can help you make your rink the hockey center of your neighborhood! Request a quote online!

Additionally, consider the versatility of a backyard steel building shelter beyond just an ice rink. You can transform it into a multipurpose space for hosting gatherings, storing equipment, or even setting up a home gym. With a steel building, the possibilities are endless, and Future Buildings is here to turn your vision into a tangible structure that enhances your lifestyle. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create a space that not only serves your hockey dreams but also enhances your overall quality of life.

Interested in a more traditional straight-walled style of steel building? Check out our sister company, Toro Steel Buildings.

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One Comment

  1. Jason do Paco November 10, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    Hello my name is Jason,

    I am interested in building an indoor rink. I have the structure already , concrete finished floors . I was wondering about boards , tubing , cooling system , humidity system . Do you have prices and information on these things above

    Thank you


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